After leaving Uncle John's, we shot up north to see this canyon carved out by a river, apparently it's some kind of big deal. On our way, we were able to hit up the Lowell
Observatory in Flagstaff, an astronomy research station. We were lucky enough to witness one of the
cheesiest video presentations in years. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the dramatic music, most likely featured in a Turkish
monastery during a funeral of a high priest. Basically, a lot of powerful organ, coupled with phrases like "space is a very dark and cold place." But, we got to see some
close-ups of Saturn and M5, a spiral star
globulation, or as Wes put it: "a pinwheel".

We continued the drive up to Grand Canyon, but decided to pitch a tent off some side road. Instead of the corporate conformity of a campsite, we found a road less travelled in
Kaibab National Forest. We set up camp right outside a gated fence (later to realize was a ranch) and took Audrey (yeah we just named her... although Wes prefers Adrianna) on her first off road experience, leaving her red with passion (aka soil dust).

Not camping in a campsite (where smelly humans and structures are around) really allows you to see what is actually going on "out there". During the night we heard scurrying jack rabbits (inside and outside of the tent), male and female elk mating calls (inside and outside of the tent), and the "
meep meep" of a roadrunner. I woke up just before sunrise, as a true animal of nature and watched the sunrise next to the bovine creatures just on the opposite side of the fence. As the bird's began morning songs and the cows called their friends into the field for breakfast I felt as part of a world we (at least I) so rarely get to see... a private relationship that these animals are sharing with their world and each other... and I was only just catching a glimpse of their rituals.
The park was misty with fog so early in the morning, but the eeriness about it was actually pretty sweet. As the sun burned out the fog, we were able to see the power that water actually has. Crazy, who would have thunk that water can do all that? After a few minutes of taking it all in, we realized we each needed a little adrenaline rush...

Now we're staying the night in Santa Rosa, New Mexico, a town that probably lost most of its charm when Route 66 was no longer "The Route". So it goes. To Texas tomorrow... onward!
wes!! what were you thinking!!! i don't see where you were supposed to land that jump!!!!!
oh well, guess you're ok... since your in N.M. now.
love you
What happened to Sedona, You forgot the little town rated #1 prettiest place in America. Someday...
Now Mom, that was photo shop or was that a real Joshua tree. He tricked you Pat-and me too.
Love you guys.
Very nice picture...and sexual references. Reminds me of the days where I would wait until you and wes would head to bed, then I would sneak out of my room and place my ear on the door...slowly but sensually I would touch myself listening to two people making love. Love or abuse. One of the two.
See you guys this evening.
ok call me if you get this,,,I don't want to write too much in case it doesn't go through..it is friday the 13th at 10:00 am
ok,,i just saw my comments...your friends should be careful what they say,,,I know you are adults..but come on...your still my little girl...Now then..anything else personal I will call you....I'm happy for you guys..on the road..no cares, etc...i guess I'm a bit jealous...I hope that little canyon jump was photo shop...my EMT training is telling me that if either of you get hurt..where you gonna go for help?!!!!!!!!!anyway,,,,enjoy the trip, its fun following your travels....see you soon....do you think you will be in FL the last week of June..I may be going to south FL the 26th and 27th...dad of Jen
Hello Dad of Jen, I'm Dad of Wes, my name is Bill. If they are not Photo shop pics we will have to sit them down and have a long talk.
Hi Bill,,,I agree..I spoke to Jen..she assured me that they would never do something that crazy...and that it was photo-shop...In my day we used a brownie camera...took pictues...that's it...I'm slow on the uptake re technology...Steve
Hey Wes...nice air!!! I remember thinking of doing that jump when I was there last year. But I thought I might get a leg cramp and crash. See you soon in Sunny Florida.
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