We have made it to Portland. Hopefully everything from here should be smooth sailing (well that would be if we did the trip James's way... down the Pacific, through the Panama Canal and then up the Atlantic, so just to let you know, I mean that figuratively and not literally. Glad I could help clarify that for ya). We are setting our base up at Ashley (my old and dear friend) and Jon's (her bf) place here on the south side. We were welcomed with a super home cooked chicken dinner, which I was very impressed with. Today we'll try to hit up some Chinese garden action, mixed with some hacky sacking in a park, with a splash of Wes getting a hair cut (please), and thrown in there will hopefully be some "top down , screamin out money ain't a..."
Oh, here I am outside Ashlon's place with the new ride. Wes made me come out in my pajamers.

Thanks for the update. sounds like you have a fun day planned. take care of each other..... and know we love you!
Nice ride you guys - well done. We miss you already : )
Scott and I are camping in the city - the movers hauled out all our stuff Tuesday and we'll be out of here on Saturday. Let the transitional living begin for us as well. By the way, the tables are back at Mactec - Jen's legacy lives on even after she moves.
You guys plan on hitting up the Oregon coast? It's one of my favorite spots in the U.S.
Miss you guys already!!! Where in Oregon are you? Definately see the ocean while you are there. I am sure you will be hitting up the wine country, is that right. If so, i believe it is Sterlings winery. It is a must. You have to take a tram up then you see all of Napa, and have lots of tasting. Love ya Lots, BJ
Hey Jen, a word of advise! Don't let Wes take his eyes off the road!! Love Dad
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